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Matching Rings
Matching Rings that are gentle on your skin

Sometimes, our bodies are hostile to us. Our normally calm and peaceful immune system can go into overdrive when it comes in contact with seemingly harmless substances which actually cause us experience negative physical reactions.

Sometimes these allergic reactions occur due to the common metals used in the making of rings, such as cobalt, nickel and chrome. If your ring causes your finger itchy you should remove it and avoid touching it again.

What if you are a fan of rings but have contact dermatitis, or an allergic reaction to metals?

Allergy tests on the metals in your Matching Jewelry

You should first visit your family doctor to have an initial test to determine if you are allergic. If you aren't sure the metals that your ring is composed of, it's recommended to test for all of them. The test is fast, easy (moderately), and results are available immediately. Once you know the results of the test, it is easy to avoid rings made with those kinds of metals.

The most popular metal people are allergic to is nickel, which sadly appears in most metal alloys that rings are composed of. If you've got the money and the budget, go for pure, unalloyed metal such as silver, 24-karat gold, or tungsten.

Alternative Materials for Skin Sensitive

It is possible that your skin will not be able to handle metals, either due to allergies or because the ring rubs against your skin continuously. Some people develop calluses over time, while others do not. Here are some materials to consider when choosing your next ring





How to Clean Your Ring

To keep your rings in good condition for a long time it is important to clean them and store them correctly. To clean them, you can go to a jeweler. If you'd rather do it yourself, all you need to clean metal objects without stones is a small amount of water along with a mild detergent a soft-bristled brush, and a cotton cloth to dry.

A soft polishing fabric for jewelry is another inexpensive and effective way to remove light scratches. If your jewelry has gemstones Keep moisture to a minimum and avoid using abrasive materials which could scratch the surface. Use cotton swabs that have been dipped in hydrogen peroxide to make your jewelry sparkle again. In general jewelry should not come into contact with chlorinated or harsh chemicals as they could damage or discolor the metal and cause it to fall off the stones. Additionally, wood should never be wet in any way.

History of Men's Rings

The ancient Egyptians believed a vein connected between the ring finger as well as the heart.

The Pope's signature ring, also known as the "Fisherman's Ring" was created in the 13th century. It was used to sign official correspondence from the time of its creation until 1842.

In the early days of Rome, only patricians could wear gold rings. The commoners were forced to use iron.

The 'Pink Star,' with a 59.60 carat pink diamond is the most expensive ring on the planet. It sold for about PS57.3 million.

In Europe, the late Middle Ages, wearing multiple rings on each finger became popular.

In the Renaissance period rings with secret compartments were used occasionally to hide documents.

English monarchs traditionally wore a special coronation ring to express their devotion to their country.

You can also have the ashes of a deceased person encased in the diamond and encased in a ring. A poignant memory for the loved ones.

The heaviest ring on the world is the Najmat Taiba, weighing over 60 kg and adorned with 5 kg of precious gems.

Possession of the One Ring of the famous tale will allow you become invisible whenever you want, although it may affect your judgment.

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